Thursday, November 6, 2008

I don't know what to blog about.
I'm sure there's alot to talk about.
But I don't know where to start.

I officially got reinstated to my course of study recently. So that means I can continue studying as per normal.

3D sucks. Not the subject, but the way it's taught.
No offense, well maybe a little, but c'mon, I seriously feel David would do a better job at teaching us 3D. He's teaching you as you go, and 2nd hand information is never accurate or effective.

Typo seems cool enough. Interested, but haven't really put in enough effort. I will.

Project is going great.
I don't know if our work so far is good enough, but I sure am proud of it. And it WILL get better.

I'm broke. This time worse than ever.

TP's coming up soon. Spent alot of money to book it. Don't really think I can pass.
Not in the right state of mind to do so.

I cycle to school everyday now, cos' I really can't afford the transport, and that's taking a toll on my body. Not that I'm super lethargic or anything.. But my arms, back and legs ache like fuck.

I have about $2.50 to spend each day, and that's about enough for 1 lunchtime meal.

Or should I say the apparent lack of it...
With each passing day, I grow numb to rejection.
How can I not?
One after the other.
and if I'm not wrong, this would be the 4th time in 10 months.
This is NOT the kind of beating a heart is supposed to endure.
In time, this throbbing fist in my chest, will harden and turn to stone,
then, come what may, I won't feel a thing, cos what was once a vibrant heart would have turned to nothing more than rock.

I don't care if it's you, or you, or you, or that other you.
My feelings for you(s) were strong.
Never really got the chance to show them.

I don't have any grudges or anything.
But that doesn't mean I can't feel shitty everytime I see you(s)

I know it's not september now, but, it's the song I keep listening to these past few days.

I got drunk yesterday night and came to school with a hangover.
I was wrong, ALCOHOL is the ultimate anti-depressant.

What bright side?

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~~*Long Live PR201*~~

It is our world, it is ours.. And it has been stolen from us.. We set out to demand it back, only this time they didnt call us HIPPIES, they called us PUNKS..