Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I've stopped searching for ways to commit suicide already.
Partly because I've already done so.
I've driven myself into a path of no return, of a slow and painful death.
A path, that will torture me every now and then as I grow older.

This lack of enthusiasm to complete anything is gonna be the death of me.
I foresee that I will have trouble getting a career, and settling down.
I will have lots of debts, job hunts, free time and friends.
I will have very little money, credibility and gfs.

seeing that the roller coaster of my life has reached its peak and is going downhill, going nowhere fast,
I've decided to do all the things that I haven't been able to put in my full 100% in.
Not that it's 100% now.

I've started writing songs again.
In about 3 hours yesterday, I came up with 3 new songs for the band,
and 2 for my personal self.

Eventhough school isn't really my cup of tea,
I've been to the library regularly recently,
and borred books on


Learning is still important. eventhough i suck at it.

I've also shaved my hair.
Mohawk again!

one thing is for sure... my brain is slowing down, I can't write as fast as I wan't to.
Ideas, vocabulary and etc just don't seem to pop up when they're supposed to..
It takes awhile for me to think of what I'm supposed to type.
I'm just not quick enough anymore..

If I think I'm growing dumber,
how can I not?
Especially with the lack of intelligent conversation from anybody.
You've got bimbos and what not on Tagged who are only oh so pretty but can't spell their name if it didn't involve a shag.
Where am I supposed to practice my speech? My creative writing? My powers of debating?
How can I NOT grow dumb?

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~~*Long Live PR201*~~

It is our world, it is ours.. And it has been stolen from us.. We set out to demand it back, only this time they didnt call us HIPPIES, they called us PUNKS..